Monday, May 15, 2006

Made for Change

Last night was the end of an 8 year run for a TV show I really enjoy. It’s been interesting to watch how this show and its characters have changed over time. But what’s more interesting is the way the show ended. They made it very clear that the story was not yet finished – on the contrary, the lives of the characters involved would continue. They left plotlines undone, stories untold, and conflicts without resolution. They made it appear that life would continue, but the cameras would be turned off. This wasn’t some TV cliff hanger trying to fish you back for next season. This show is genuinely over; the actor’s contracts expired, the writers going on well deserved vacations and the directors moving on to other projects. It’s something that makes this show unique. The writers seem to have worked diligently to give the viewer an experience that seemed realistic rather than contrived and in doing so have painted a picture of our government that is entertaining to watch and interesting to study.

I’m talking about The West Wing. I don’t agree with a lot of the politics of the show but the way it presents our nation and the people who serve our government is extraordinary. They successfully painted liberals and conservatives, Republicans and Democrats as thoughtful, patriotic men and women with a passion to serve this nation and the ideals of freedom. They didn’t avoid the dark sides of any issue or political party and were fair, though sometimes misguided, in their presentation of political, social, and even religious topics. I guess you can tell I really liked this show.

The last episode concludes an 8 year term by one President and begins a new term for another President. It’s an incredible reality when you think about it. On the 20th of January every 4 years all the authority of the most powerful nation on the planet – the most powerful nation in the history of the world, really, shifts from one person to another at 12:00 noon. It’s a shift that is not just symbolic, but real and it involves more than just one person. Changing a President is about more than who sits in the Oval Office – it involves the President’s secretary and staff, the Cabinet and their staff, the support personnel, from those who maintain copiers and computers to those who write speeches and everyone in between. Every four years at 12:00 noon on January 20th a revolution takes place and the balance of power shifts from one group to another and most of us barely notice. They are so detailed in the timing that during the inauguration one family is moved into the White House while another is moved out. One staff is moved out of the West Wing while another is moved in. The outgoing staff even has to have their parking spaces vacated by 2:00pm on the day of the inauguration. It happens every four years and even when the shift is between those who are diametrically opposed in politics and ideology it happens seamlessly. Ours is a government made for change.

I wonder if the same is true about our church – more specifically – I wonder if we as a people are ready willing and able to follow closely the leadership of the Holy Spirit as He guides us into all truth and leads us to draw others to Himself. Are we made for change? Are we ready for the things God has prepared for us?

Being ready means we have a heart tuned into the leadership of God through prayer, the study of Scripture and following those people God has placed in spiritual authority over us.

Being willing means we have managed our lifestyle so that regardless of the job God gives us we are able to go or do whatever God is leading us to do.

Being able means we are fully trusting that God will supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory – this is about more than money, it’s about ability, resources, and people. If God’s called you to do it, He’s given you what it takes to git ’r’ done!

We were made for change. The question is whether or not we will follow God and fulfill the ministry He’s given us in this season.

Get ready – the best is yet to come!

THANKS, God Bless,


Notes to Notice


For members of the BOTH Praise Bands - it’s finally here! STING & PIZZA. Let’s get together Saturday, May 20th from 6:30 - 8:30pm in the Terminal for an evening of fellowship and fun. You families are invited. RSVP to Brenda,, by May 18th.


In May we’ll begin taking new Praise Team applications and scheduling auditions. Current members need not apply but will need to let me know of their desire to continue - be watching theScore for more details regarding this exciting ministry!


It’s coming! Sunday night, July 2nd - WAYNE WATSON in concert! We’ll celebrate our Independence with great food, great music and fellowship and possibly a fireworks display that’s out-o-site! (if there’s no burn ban of course) Details and cost to be announced...


The end of the school year always brings with it special events and activities that effect our Wednesday night schedule - be sure to watch theScore for any changes!


May 17 - AWANA in Worship Center NO CHOIR - Praise Band/Team ONLY @ 8pm

May 24 - NO CHOIR Praise Band Team Prep ONLY @ 8pm

May 31 & June 7 - Childcare by RSVP - sign up with Brenda Henderson.

More details to follow!


Sunday AM, July 2nd be a part of something special - join us as the Celebration Choir, Praise Band, Instrumental Ensemble, Praise Team present a Celebration of Freedom! More details to come!

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