Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Go Deeper - Running on Empty

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Go Deeper – Running on Empty


Have you ever run out of gas? I think for women running out of gas is just an inconvenience, but for men…it’s something much deeper. When a man runs out of gas it’s as though he’s betrayed all that’s in him that makes him manly. After all, he is ‘Man’, Master of Machines; Lord of the Motor; King of all things Mechanical, Electrical and Technical. If the engine is broken he can fix it simply by raising the hood and looking underneath. If the dish washer refuses to wash he will identify the problem, crescent wrench in one hand, Coke in another and while lying on his back coerce the incorrigible device to do get those dishes done. But when a man runs out of gas…

I ran out of gas once. I was but a teenager. My mom believed me when I said I trusted the mileage rather than the gas gauge. She understood when I told her I should have been able to go another 10 miles before needing to fill up. But my dad…my dad quietly filled the gas can, drove me to my car and helped me get it to a filling station. The silence between us was deafening. The expression on his face said it all, “You betrayed the brotherhood. Don’t let it happen again.”

Jesus said things like that to the Disciples except when He said it, it sounded like, “O ye of little faith.” Just like the Disciples it happens to us every week. We face some person or problem, some situation or circumstance and rather than tanking up spiritually and letting our life run on the high octane power that comes from knowing and trusting Jesus we attempt to face the challenge under our own strength.

So how do we tank up spiritually? When I was a teenager running on empty there was really only one reason. I didn’t want to fill my tank because it would take TIME. I was too busy going and doing. I was too distracted by friends and getting to the next party or the next place. So how do you tank up spiritually? There’s no way around it. It takes TIME.

Time in God’s Word; Time in Prayer; Time with God’s people; Time for family; Time alone; Time to rest; Time to listen; Time to relax; Time to serve; Time to play; It takes TIME.

I’m coming off vacation. Thank you for allowing me and Londa the time away. It’s a wonderful privilege to serve with such a great group of committed Believers. Thanks to Jim and Brenda, the band, the Praise Team, the tech folks, Paul Kemp and the drama team, all for leading well. As I come off a week away I’m reminded – sometimes, I need to fill my tank, and that takes time.

I encourage you to do the same. Take time this summer to fill your tank. Take time to do all those things I’ve listed above. Take time to refresh, refocus, and renew in the grace and love of God. Don’t betray the brotherhood. Don’t get caught running on empty. Take time to rediscover the joy of knowing and serving God.

Thanks, God Bless,

Notes to Notice


For the next two weeks our rehearsals will be NORMAL! Woohoo! Instrumental Ensemble will meet @ 6:30 in the Worship Center while the Celebration Choir meets @ 6:30 in Room 800. We’ll all join together with the Praise Band in the Worship Center @ 7:30 then at 8:00 the Praise Band and Praise Team will stick around to finish prep for Sunday. The Drama Team will meet @ 7:30 in room 800 to get ready for the next drama.

It’s been way too long! I look forward to seeing you all tonight!


It’s coming! Sunday night, July 2nd - WAYNE WATSON in concert! We’ll celebrate our Independence with great food, great music and fellowship and possibly a fireworks display that’s out-o-site! (if there’s no burn ban of course) Details and cost to be announced...



June 14th – VBS Family night – NO REHEARSALS – Praise Band, Instrumental Ensemble and Praise Team we’ll meet at 8:00am on Sunday, June 18th to prepare for the services! Choir we’ll meet @ 8:30!


Sunday AM, July 2nd be a part of something special - join us as the Celebration Choir, Praise Band, Instrumental Ensemble, Praise Team present a Celebration of Freedom! More details to come!


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