Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Geographic Humor

First of all – thanks to everyone who last week sent feedback of some variety about theScore. I always love hearing from you. And your words were too kind. Because of time our rehearsals are often about ‘getting it done’ but ‘getting to know you’ is really what it’s all about. Thanks for being ‘get it done’ people – while we’re getting it done let’s never lose sight of our relationship with Christ and with one another. I believe God has made a way for us to be both Martha serving in the kitchen and Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus. Let’s make certain we make time for both!


So there I was sitting in the CAM Sunday School Class – [it’s taught by the world renowned, Vance Henderson and meets in the Green Room behind the Worship Center during the 10:45 hour. If you don’t already attend a small group Bible Study you should really come with us!] - Where was I? Oh yeah…


So there I was sitting in the CAM Sunday School Class minding my own business, my beautifully pregnant wife sitting next to me. Comments were made, prayer requests shared, class begun. That’s when it happened. Suddenly something in that room jumped up and HIT MY WIFE! As prayer concerns and Bible stories flew back and forth from one green wall to the next I looked over to my wife and she was shaking uncontrollably. Others in the room were slow to notice, but soon it became apparent that something had struck my wife smack dab in the middle of her funny bone.


She giggled and giggled…soon she began to wiggle. We’ve been warned about ‘Shaken Baby Syndrome’ so naturally I was concerned about the health of our unborn child. I told Londa as much but that only seemed to strike her funny bone even harder. The spectacle of a beautifully pregnant woman shaking uncontrollably with laughter soon became the center of class attention and that’s when Londa really broke loose. She didn’t role on the floor as one possessed but I could swear I saw milk shoot from both nostrils!


Vance, the wise teacher he is, finally got both Londa and the class under control. We finished our prayer requests and Jim Brown was asked to pray…Just as Jim said, “Heavenly Father,” something jumped up and hit Londa again! Imagine my dismay as this minister’s wife – my wife -- hee-hawed uncontrollably at the prayerful laments of other people’s sick family members, upcoming surgeries and deeply personal spiritual needs. There I sat with a smile on my face and still I don’t really know what was so stinkin’ funny!


We’ve all been there at one time or another. You walk into a room, everyone’s laughing and you’re left on the outside wondering what was so funny. Someone tries to explain it to you, but the story just comes off as…well, you know…just not that funny. For whatever reason it doesn’t strike your funny bone, tickle your fancy or make you burst into side splitting laughter. You are left feeling somehow smaller or less a part of the group all because you just weren’t there to get it. We call it geographic humor – you know, ‘you just had to be there.’


I sometimes wonder if that’s how lost people feel when they come to church. Here they are in this large room, surrounded by people they probably don’t know. The people they meet are friendly; the music played is pleasant. These lost people in our services participate as best they can – standing and sitting when told, taking notes during the message…wondering quietly to themselves why we’re doing this giant, corporate karaoke song all together. Perhaps they leave the service to visit a Sunday School department. They find more smiling faces and of course food. Talk of children, politics, and the latest game on TV is followed by prayer requests and another story from the Bible. And just like someone who missed ground zero of some geographic humor they stand idly by with a smile on their face all the while wondering what it was they’ve really missed.


And the truth is they’ve missed so much. It’s one thing to miss the punch line of a good joke, but to miss the reality of eternity that surrounds them is fatal. So how will they catch it? When lost people come into our church how will we let them in on the most magnificent truth of all time?


We have to show, tell, do. When you arrive at church be aware of what’s going on around you. Come with ministry in mind. Actively look for ways in the short time we are together that you can invest in the lives of someone you meet at church. SHOW them the love of Christ. During our services SHOW them what passionate worship looks like. In our small group Bible Study SHOW them what care and compassion based around the Word of God is all about. The Bible says don’t just say you love people – really love them. That’s what SHOW is all about. As you speak to them TELL them about the love of God. TELL them stories about His work in your life. And finally DO. DO what you can to make them feel included. DO something to serve those around you. DO everything you can to make the most of our time together.


You’ll have to ask Londa what was so funny…I still don’t know. But let’s not leave our guests left out of the best news they could ever hear.


Love y’all,



Notes to Notice


6:00 Instrumental Ensemble in the Worship Center
6:30 Celebration Choir in RM800
7:30 All Together in Worship Center


It’s coming! Sunday night, July 2nd - WAYNE WATSON in concert! We’ll celebrate our Independence with a great night of music by recording artist, WAYNE WATSON. Tickets are $5 and on sale now in theCompass Bookstore and ONLINE @ – get yours today!


THIS SUNDAY, July 2nd be part of something special - join us as the Celebration Choir, Praise Band, Instrumental Ensemble, & Praise Team present a Celebration of Freedom!


Praise Team Auditions

Every one who auditioned for Praise Teams did a great job! Thanks for trying out! Be watching here in the weeks to come for details what Praise Teams this fall will look like!


Opening Day – Character Auditions

It’s coming faster than we think; the beginning of a new school year, a new semester and a new season for everyone involved in CAM. Wednesday, August 30th at 6:30pm we’ll unveil plans for the new semester, including Christmas, meet new CAM leadership, introduce ourselves to new CAM members and discover what it means to be involved this season in CAM. Bring someone with you and let’s make this the best season in the life of our church yet!






Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Go Deeper - Evaluate

I wonder sometimes…are you reading? Are you paying attention? The truth is I thrive on feedback. Tell me I did well. Tell me it stunk. Tell me you loved it or hated it. My ego may swell, my feelings may get hurt. Scream at me or smile at me, but whatever you do, don’t ignore me!


Every week I write in this space – musings on Scripture, stories about family, information about the Christian Arts Ministry, it’s not Pulitzer Prize winning prose but it is information designed to lift you spiritually, challenge you personally, and inform you in ministry. And so weekly I write and weekly I wonder…does any of it really make a difference?


So today I’m reading my Bible. Matthew 16:13 – 28 – it’s an amazing passage. I would encourage you to read and pray through it sometime. As I read I’m struck by a question unrelated to the words before me. I wonder if God feels the same about what He’s written to me as I feel about what I write you. Not that the two writings are anywhere near the same quality or significance, but if I crave feedback about my minor missive moments how much more must the God of Creation long for our response?


How often do we read God’s Word or hear it preached while thinking about something else? How many days have we left the words God penned in the blood of His own Son laying on the night stand? How long will we ignore the great gift of God’s revealed wisdom?


Throughout the Word we see people engaged in relationship with God. Sometimes they are penitent, sometimes pensive. Sometimes they cry, scream rebel, yell, rebuke, and fight against God’s leading. Sometimes they submit. Whatever the case, we never see the characters in Scripture we love ignore the Word of God. There is always a response.


So what about you? Are you lukewarm toward the things of God? Are you indifferent toward His Word? Are you so busy doing ‘things’ you miss the heart of God for yourself and those whom you lead or serve?


I know what you’re thinking…”I’ve heard all this before; read my Bible, pray more, do it every day…yeah, yeah, yeah…I’m coming to church; I serve when time allows. I give. What more do you want?”


I want desperately for us to be a people passionately pursuing the heart of God. This is not a statement about what we do as much as it is about who we are. It’s what it means to be a fully devoted follower of Christ.


We should be hungry for the Word of God. We should be passionate in our praise. We should be deliberate in our service, not doing things because things need to be done, but because we are fulfilling the ministry God has enabled us, called us to do. Our service in church is not filling a spot – it’s fulfilling a God given ministry that changes lives and changes eternity.


So it’s time to evaluate. It’s time for some feedback. If you’ve made it this far give me some feedback. How do you think you’re doing? Are you doing things just because things need to be done or because you are genuinely called by God to do them? Will you ignore the Word of God and His calling?


I may never hear from you about these articles in theScore. I may never know whether or not you’re reading this, whether or not I’m making sense or making a difference, and while it would bum me out that would be ok…the point of this article is not really to get praise or criticism about theScore. Dismiss or ignore me if you will, but please, please, please don’t ignore God and His Word. Don’t ignore His call on Your life. Don’t miss His heart for you and His desire for who you are.


I missed you all last week – it’s going to be good to be back together tonight! I’ll see you then.

Love y’all, God Bless,



Notes to Notice


6:00 Instrumental Ensemble in the Worship Center
6:30 Celebration Choir in RM800
7:30 All Together in Worship Center


It’s coming! Sunday night, July 2nd - WAYNE WATSON in concert! We’ll celebrate our Independence with a great night of music by recording artist, WAYNE WATSON. Tickets are $5 and on sale now in theCompass Bookstore and ONLINE @ – get yours today!


Sunday AM, July 2nd be part of something special - join us as the Celebration Choir, Praise Band, Instrumental Ensemble, Praise Team present a Celebration of Freedom! More details to come!


Praise Team Auditions

Every one who auditioned for Praise Teams did a great job! Thanks for trying out! Be watching here in the weeks to come for details what Praise Teams this fall will look like!


Opening Day – Character Auditions

It’s coming faster than we think; the beginning of a new school year, a new semester and a new season for everyone involved in CAM. Wednesday, August 30th at 6:30pm we’ll unveil plans for the new semester, including Christmas, meet new CAM leadership, introduce ourselves to new CAM members and discover what it means to be involved this season in CAM. Bring someone with you and let’s make this the best seaon in the life of our church yet!






Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Stuff, Things & People

This week Londa, Melissa and I are in Chicago. We are at the Arts Conference at Willow Creek Community Church. It's the same church that hosts the Leadership Summit. You can check out the other ministries of Willow Creek by visiting God is really doing great things here and using this church to influence the culture of other churches worldwide.


Right now I sit in Dr. B's Bistro – their version of HeBrews on a much larger, more professional scale – Dr. B's is located in the massive foyer of their worship center. There's a large double staircase to my left that goes both up and down…up to the mezzanine level of their worship center and down to their preschool and children's area called, "Promiseland". Everything about this place oozes professionalism, organization, money…Better than all those things, around every corner I find the smiling faces of church members who have volunteered to serve as hosts and hostesses. No less than 5 time I've been stopped by members of Willow who volunteered their time today in order to ask me where I'm from and about my church and to help me get wherever I needed to go in this massive structure they call a church…It's larger than many shopping malls I've been in.


I look around and find myself surrounded by people – we're all waiting for the next conference. Everyone seems relaxed and like their having a good time. We're all just 'hanging around' at church and it seems like home. Here's the greatest blessing for me…In spite of the massive building, obviously large budget and professional demeanor of those with whom I come in contact, this church doesn't seem that different from our church. Obviously the scale is different. We lead 1200 people…they lead 20,000. But I sense the same spirit.


We serve the same God. I look at their stuff and the things they do with the people they have and think quietly to myself, "Scale – the primary difference is scale." God has called them to reach their area – the Chicago metro – and with that calling He has given them the stuff to do the things with the people He has entrusted them to lead. The same is true for us at FBCO. God has called us to reach the Tulsa Metro and with that calling He has given us the stuff to do the things with the people He has entrusted us to lead.


And that's where we need to spend some thought time today. What role has God called you to within your church? In what way are you fulfilling the ministry God has designed for you? Do you treat the ministry He has enabled you to do with professionalism, commitment and passion – or is it a passing fancy, one more thing to get done before your day is complete? Truth is I don't come to a church like the one leading this conference because I want FBCO to be another Willow Creek. While it would be an amazing adventure for FBCO to influence the eternity as well as the daily lives and relationships of more than 20,000 people a week I'm much more interested in our church being the church in Owasso God wants us to be. This may mean that someday we lead 20,000 people in one location. It may mean we spread the Gospel through media or multi-site ministry or God may birth new churches and new ministries from within FBCO. However God chooses to lead us as a church what role do you play?


Let me encourage you to evaluate your role in ministry at FBCO. Do you handle the things of God carelessly or with the level of professionalism He deserves? We say our mission is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. This is not an expression of the calling of our pastor but a lifestyle of ministry, a pattern of obedience, a statement of faith that defines who we are as church, how we live as Believers and how we serve in the ministry God has called us to. This week ask God to show you how you're doing with the ministry He has entrusted to you.

I look forward to seeing you all this Sunday. There will be no Choir or Instrumental Ensemble in the loft, but the Praise Band and Praise Team will meet at 8:00 to be ready for DADFEST 2006! And we'll all be back together next Wednesday night for our regular rehearsals. Can't wait to see you all!


Love y'all, God Bless,



PS…I love to hear from you! In your opinion what are we doing RIGHT in CAM? What needs improvement? How can we as members of the Christian Arts Ministry more effectively minister to our church? Think and pray with me as we get ready for all God has for us in the new school year!


PSS…FarPoint Weekend is coming!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Go Deeper - Are You Eval?


theScore is changing! – see what lies ahead online @!



Go Deeper – Are You Eval?


I was watching something on TV the other day. These guys were jumping motor cycles over ramps. They were amazing! One guy jumped his bike about 40 feet in the air, came off the seat, grabbed the back of the bike, laying himself out flat in a move that would make Superman proud, then pulled himself back onto the motorcycle seat all before successfully landing his bike on the ground! Another guy hit the ramp and made his bike do a complete 360 degree back flip! Not left to right, but wheel over wheel, before landing on the ramp on the other side. I saw a movie preview where I guy jumps his motorcycle over 5 grounded Huey Helicopters all with the blades rotating! You could call these guys exceptionally skilled or certifiably wacko – whatever you call them, once they hit that ramp they are fully committed!


There’s a group of people in our church who enjoy riding motorcycles. Pastor is one of them. Mike Napier as well. So is Pastor’s Assistant, Dianne Hackl. She and her husband take vacations with friends and see the country all from the back of a motorcycle. I can see Dianne revving up the engine, releasing the break and riding full bore toward the ramp, wind sweeping back her hair, giant grin from ear to ear. I can see the bike flying through the air, 40, 50, 60 feet while Dianne does aerobatics that would make Eval Kineval jealous! (She’s going to kill me for writing that! J) Ok…so maybe that’s not the way Dianne and her husband approach riding a motorcycle. I would venture a guess that very few, if anyone, in our church rides motorcycles like this. That’s the difference in a having a hobby and being fully committed.


When I hit the ramp on a motorcycle going 85mph about to jump over the ‘flaming blades of death’, I’m fully committed. When I take the bike out for a spin around Lake Oolagah, I’ve got a hobby. That’s not to say hobbyists aren’t passionate, well educated people who are devoted to their hobby. I know a lot of people who collect motorcycle magazines, pictures, and who can tell you all the details of engineering difference between a Honda Gold Wing and a Harley Davidson…there are websites about such! But there is a distinct difference in commitment level between someone who has learned the skills, taken the lumps, and the risk of jumping a bike over a ramp and someone who is out for a Sunday drive.


The same thing happens at church. God has created us for a purpose. There’s the broad purpose of our salvation and becoming a child of God, but He’s also created us with a specific purpose in mind, a specific and unique way we can bring pleasure to Him and benefit His Kingdom. Too often we treat this calling as a hobby rather than the ministry it truly is. What do I mean?


A hobby is something we choose.

A ministry is something for which we are chosen.


For a hobby we set aside time and money for our own enjoyment.

For a ministry we sacrifice for the sake of others.


For a hobby we learn new skills and overcome new challenges in order to become better at our hobby.

For a ministry we learn new skills and overcome new challenges in order to benefit the Kingdom.


We may take several weeks off from doing anything that relates to our hobby in order to handle the affairs of life.

But the ministry we’ve been called to is unique and specific to us – and more importantly, it’s not so much about us as it is our obedience to God and service for others. While the schedule of activities and events that make up our ministry may slow down it’s not something we set aside in order to handle the affairs of life – ministry is our life.


With a hobby if I don’t show up I’m the only person it affects.

With a ministry if I don’t show up it affects eternity.


So my question for you today is, “How do you treat the ministry God has enabled you to do?” Do you recognize that your ministry is something you’ve been chosen for rather than something you chose? Do you treat the ministry less like a ministry and more like a hobby? Are you fully committed to the life God has for you or are you pursuing something other than His best?


This summer do what 2 Timothy 4:5 says, “But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.”


Whatever ministry God has called you to be fully committed. It’s not a hobby, it’s not a job, it’s not a chore…it’s a lifestyle, it’s a ministry…Rev up your engine, hit the ramp and be amazed at the jaw dropping wonder of knowing and following the purpose God has for you!


Love y’all, God Bless,



Notes to Notice


6:00 Instrumental Ensemble in the Worship Center
6:30 Celebration Choir in RM800

Tech Team you’ll work with the Drama team in the Worship Center. There will be no Praise Band or Praise Team rehearsal this evening.


It’s coming! Sunday night, July 2nd - WAYNE WATSON in concert! We’ll celebrate our Independence with a great night of music by recording artist, WAYNE WATSON. Tickets are $5 and on sale now in theCompass Bookstore and ONLINE @ – get yours today!



June 14th – VBS Family night – NO REHEARSALS – Praise Band, Instrumental Ensemble and Praise Team we’ll meet at 8:00am on Sunday, June 18th to prepare for the services! Choir we’ll meet @ 8:30!


Sunday AM, July 2nd be part of something special - join us as the Celebration Choir, Praise Band, Instrumental Ensemble, Praise Team present a Celebration of Freedom! More details to come!


Praise Team Auditions

Every one who auditioned for Praise Teams did a great job! Thanks for trying out! Be watching here in the weeks to come for details what Praise Teams this fall will look like!