Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Authentic - Faith vs. Reason

Hebrews 11:1

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Hebrews 11:1

The crime scene is still fresh. In the ambulance nearby someone sits nervously giving his statement to a uniformed police officer. Outside the house is a mass of controlled chaos. Red lights flash everywhere. Yellow, crime scene tape keeps people at a safe distance. All around neighbors watch and whisper as they wonder what’s happened to disturb the peace of this crisp fall evening. It must be bad for an ambulance and this many police officers to be on the scene. That’s when they arrive. Flashing badges, carrying cases of special equipment and wearing jackets emblazoned with CSI – Crime Scene Investigators. These are the men and women of the Crime Lab whose job it is to examine the physical evidence in order to determine who did what to whom and when. Guilt or innocence will hang in the balance on the evidence they collect and analyze. For someone this could mean life in prison, or worse. They take their job seriously and they are meticulous in how they gather and process the evidence, photographing every detail. Like looking for a needle in a haystack they inspect every millimeter of the scene, systematically searching for any substance that might shed light on what really happened.

There’s a popular thought that’s growing and we’re not doing anything to stop it. There is in our world today an idea that FAITH and REASON are contrary to one another, that somehow if you are asked to take something by FAITH you have to throw reason out the door. At best it makes people of FAITH seem ignorant and uneducated. At worst it makes us seem foolish and insincere. But how we appear to others is not the biggest problem. Our biggest problem is that the Bible doesn’t separate FAITH and REASON at all.

Did you catch that? There is no distinction in Scripture between reality and belief, fact and faith. It’s only in this modern age that people have come to think in terms of science vs. spirituality. And from a historic perspective the church is to blame. Partially because many have feared science and the progress it brings, but mostly because we have been lazy in our pursuit of spiritual truth as found in Scripture.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” This verse describes FAITH and REASON as being the same thing. It says FAITH and KNOWLEDGE are one in the same. How many episodes of CSI have you watched where the bad guy was caught and sent to jail because the good guys, “believed” him to be guilty without any evidence? There’s not one. It doesn’t make for good story telling and it doesn’t line up with how the world works. We believe something because of the evidence we are presented.

For example…Gravity – I believe in it…not because my 4th grade science teacher told me that what goes up must come down, but because just the other day Caedmon threw a ball up in the air while I wasn’t looking and it came down right on my head! Caed’s going to throw more balls in the air – I have FAITH they will come back down. Do you see what I’m getting at? Hebrews 11:1 says FAITH has substance and evidence. It’s not blind belief in something for which rational people would never fall. But rather an educated certainty that comes from the substance of your experience and knowledge of the outcome based on the evidence you know to be true.

So how is your FAITH? Does it have substance and evidence? Can people look to your life, the way you treat others, the way you speak to your family, the way you act toward your coworkers and boss and see the evidence of Christ in you? Is there any substance to what you say you believe or are you all talk?

This is what I find unreasonable, not that someone would have faith in something extraordinary or miraculous, but that someone would claim FAITH and use that claim to justify iniquity, amplify ignorance, and avoid the more challenging questions of our lost friends or family.

Stop giving the, “You’ve just gotta have faith”, answer. Get into the Word. Live what you say you believe and show the world the evidence, the substance of Christ in you. Give them a REASON for FAITH.

Love y’all, God Bless,


Notes to Notice

Fall Festival

Tuesday, October 31st from 6:00 – 8:00pm is Fall Festival. This year’s Fall Festival will be bigger and better than ever as we fill both buildings with exciting games, challenging events, inflatable’s, train rides, pony rides and more candy than Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory! Parents are encouraged to bring their children in costume. It’s a sports theme (so support your Sooners!)

This is also an incredible opportunity for us to reach out to our community. Invite neighbors and friends. How can members of CAM be involved? In Fellowship Hall they will serve dinner and we’ll provide the entertainment! Sign up to sing or play a solo, put together and ensemble – Solo’s, Trio’s, Quartets, the word here is ‘variety’. To sign up tonight, see Brenda Henderson!

Family Reunion

Sunday AM, November 5th is ALL HANDS ON DECK! Why? That’s the day we’re asking every member to make special plans to be in Sunday School and Worship and to bring someone with them. It’s a Family Reunion! It’s about relationships! It’s about vision and recognizing the tremendous blessing God has both poured out on us and entrusted to us.

On that day, let’s fill the platform with musicians; Ushers, let’s get ready for the multitudes God will bring; everyone, let’s be ready for the incredible work God will do in us and through us! Make plans now to be here!

Christmas Plans – “Christmas | Past…Present…Eternal”

This December we’ll celebrate Christmas all month long! How!? The first weeks of December we’ll celebrate with a dinner theater:

“As Time Goes By” – A lifetime of Christmas traditions and celebrations through the eyes of faith, family & Friends.

Written by our very own, Randy Thomas, this funny and family-focused drama will capture your heart as it captures the heart of Christmas throughout multiple generations. This is not musical theater – but a three act play. We’ll need volunteers for acting, stage craft, costuming, technical arts, hosting, food services and everything in between. To volunteer contact Randy Thomas,, or Chad Balthrop,

Sunday Night, December 10th - “Christmas | Past…Present…Eternal” with the Celebration Choir and Praise Band, Instrumental Ensemble, KICK & PreKICK Choirs! During this great concert we’ll share Christmas music and family Christmas stories…stories of Christmas past, present and eternal! We’ll have a Dress Rehearsal on December 9th, from 9am - Noon.

Sunday Night, December 17th - “A Family Christmas HomeComing” with the Families of FBCO. This is the night we sing our favorite Christmas songs as a congregation. This year we’ll have a twist – our special music will come from families within FBCO. Great music combined with stories of family Christmas traditions will make this a night people won’t forget.

Christmas Eve – Sunday Night, December 24th - Every year our Christmas Eve Candle Lighting Service is standing room only! This year we will pack the Worship Center TWICE – with two, hour long opportunities for the people of our community to celebrate the birth of our Savior. We’ll ask every available Choir, Praise Band, Instrumental Ensemble, KICK and Tech member to be available for BOTH Christmas Eve Services.

Christmas Eve Rehearsal 4:00pm

Christmas Eve FIRST SERVICE 5:00pm

Christmas Eve SECOND SERVICE 7:00pm

House Cleaning – the Logistics of Details

Online Blog

Catch current and previous issues of theScore online @

Online Resources

At you can now click RESOURCES. Under that heading you will find several categories. Mostly this is Praise Band and Congregational music, but some of these charts include Instrumental Ensemble music and ALL of them include VOCALS – hopefully this can be a resource for us all in the coming days!

Weekly Schedule Reminder

Here are the CALL TIMES for a typical SUNDAY AM – Remember, ON TIME = EARLY | EARLY = READY and from 8:30 – 8:50 we’ll clear the platform and all meet in Fellowship Hall for a light, continental style breakfast and for last minute instructions, prayer & consecration. I look forward to seeing everyone there!


Þ 7:15am TECH PREP

Þ 7:30 Drama Sound Check and Rehearse

Þ 7:45 Praise Band Sound Check

Þ 8:00 Instrumental Ensemble

Þ 8:15 Special Music

Þ 8:20 Celebration Choir

Þ 8:30 Stage Clear, Doors Open, Background Music & Announcements Run

Þ 8:50 Countdown begins

Þ 8:55 Prelude – Live, instrumental, congregational or choir…

Þ 9:00 Service Begins


Þ 6:00pm Instrumental Ensemble WC

Þ 6:30 Celebration Choir | Tech Prep RM 800 & WC

Þ 7:00 Praise Band with IE WC


Þ 7:30 Drama Team RM 800

Þ 8:05 Praise Band & Praise Teams WC

Þ 9:00 Cookie Time!

Order of Service

Sunday AM – 10-01-06

AweStruck – “I Am the Vine” | John 15

Pre-service – COUNTDOWN | CD


Instrumental Ensemble

SERVICE START | Chad Balthrop


Friend of God – E, CHART

Let the Praises Ring – E, CHART


Dr. Roger Ferguson


‘Tis So Sweet To Trust in Jesus – G, BH – 411


You Will Be Our God – A, CHART


Be Still – 1:38


My Heart, Christ’s Home – F, CHART

Amazing Grace – F, NEW CHART


Dr. Roger Ferguson


I Will Say Yes – G, CHART


Page Cole

Presentation of New Members


Let the Praises Ring – E, CHART

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Authentic - Discord | Dissonance

Philippians 2:1 – 2

“Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, begin of one accord, of one mind..”

Philippians 2:1 – 2

Sing with me, now…


I’d like to teach the world to sing;

In perfect harmony;

I’d like to buy the world a Coke;

And keep it company.

That’s the song I’d like…(repeat)

Isn’t that a wonderful sentiment? Anyone 30 or older is likely to remember this little jingle originally recorded by Lea Salonga and used by the Coka Cola company to promote their form of liquid heaven. As I wrote it I could see in my minds eye hundreds of people holding a Coke and a candle sitting together in the shape of a Christmas tree, smiles on their faces and a song in their heart. Wouldn’t it be great if in the immortal words of the renowned diplomat and scholar Rodney King if, “We could all just get along.”

But it seems that harmony is hard to come by. The discord in our homes, in our work place, with our friends and family is reaching a fever pitch. There was a time when divorce was difficult and carried with it a stigma. But in Hollywood today the question is not if someone will stay married, but when will they separate. Things here in the heartland aren’t much different. At least 50% of us have found our spouse to be someone we can’t live with. Our jobs are disposable, our relationships even more so. Don’t like your neighbor? Move. Disagree with your boss. Change jobs. Trouble with your spouse? Get a new one. Don’t like something or someone at church? There’s another just up the street.

It would seem the soundtrack of our life has room for only one melody played by one instrument rather than the multipart symphony God intended. And believe me; God is opinionated on the topic of UNITY. He says unity as expressed through love is what will define Believers. The verse you read above from Philippians is only one location where God emphasizes the importance of unity. When God speaks on unity He’s not just waxing rhapsodic about some sentimental yet unachievable goal. He very clearly states that UNITY will define a body of Believers, in their homes, in their work, and in their church. It is a commonality, a family relationship that binds us and keeps us together.

Unity is not ‘sameness’. It’s not a one-man-band or a one-man-show where everyone must do and be exactly like me in order to ‘unified’. It’s like harmony in music. It’s like the many instruments within our Instrumental Ensemble. A flute and a tuba don’t look or sound alike. They won’t play the same notes at the same time or in the same way. In this manner they are not ‘uniform’ at all but when they join the rest of the orchestra to play from the same piece of music the sound that is achieved can bring people to tears, incite the masses to riot or inspire someone to greatness!

Within our music there are moments of discord. We call this dissonance. In well written music dissonance always adds value to the song and leads the player and listener to an even greater appreciation of the story being expressed.

Within godly unity there will be moments of discord, dissonances that are the result of miscommunication, misconception, mistakes and the fact that God is not through with any of us yet. Within godly unity these dissonances are not avoided, but confronted and the resolution always deepens the relationship in a way that adds value to everyone involved.

So how do you protect the unity? Here are some simple ideas that might help…

  1. Mutual Submission – being quick to submit to someone’s conflicting opinion, not because you are wrong and they are right, but because you value your relationship more than your own opinion. BTW…this has got to go both ways to really work right.
  2. Patient Understanding – being quick to recognize that God is not through with any of us yet. Give up the knee jerk reaction. Let your first response be to listen without ‘filtering’ and waiting to unload your two cents (some of us can’t afford that much!).
  3. The Benefit of the Doubt – this is based on trust. Like I said last week, in a Culture of Trust conflict is not avoided because we give one another the benefit of the doubt. We recognize that healthy conflict, like dissonance, will make the song of our lives even better. We assume that those we serve with want the best for the relationship or organization rather than selfishly having to have things, ‘their way’.
  4. Constant Vigilance – vigilance is consistently doing the right thing, the right way, for the right reason. Constant Vigilance means we are on the look out for things that might disrupt the unity. We work to resolve dissonance. We ignore or crush lies, gossip or deception. We discover the freedom that comes from being unified in spirit, purpose and action without being carbon copies of one another.

It’s a privilege to serve with Believers where UNTIY is the rule rather than the exception. Thank you for being a people who with one heart, one mind and one purpose passionately pursue living the truth of God’s Word in every area of your lives. It’s going to be a great week!

Love y’all, God Bless,


Notes to Notice

Fall Festival

Tuesday, October 31st from 6:00 – 8:00pm is Fall Festival. This year’s Fall Festival will be bigger and better than ever as we fill both buildings with exciting games, challenging events, inflatable’s, train rides, pony rides and more candy than Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory! Parents are encouraged to bring their children in costume. It’s a sports theme (so support your Sooners!)

This is also an incredible opportunity for us to reach out to our community. Invite neighbors and friends. How can members of CAM be involved? In Fellowship Hall they will serve dinner and we’ll provide the entertainment! Sign up to sing or play a solo, put together and ensemble – Solo’s, Trio’s, Quartets, the word here is ‘variety’. To sign up tonight, see Brenda Henderson!

Family Reunion

Sunday AM, November 5th is ALL HANDS ON DECK! Why? That’s the day we’re asking every member to make special plans to be in Sunday School and Worship and to bring someone with them. It’s a Family Reunion! It’s about relationships! It’s about vision and recognizing the tremendous blessing God has both poured out on us and entrusted to us.

On that day, let’s fill the platform with musicians; Ushers, let’s get ready for the multitudes God will bring; everyone, let’s be ready for the incredible work God will do in us and through us! Make plans now to be here!

Christmas Plans – “Christmas | Past…Present…Eternal”

This December we’ll celebrate Christmas all month long! How!? The first weeks of December we’ll celebrate with a dinner theater:

“As Time Goes By” – A lifetime of Christmas traditions and celebrations through the eyes of faith, family & Friends.

Written by our very own, Randy Thomas, this funny and family-focused drama will capture your heart as it captures the heart of Christmas throughout multiple generations. This is not musical theater – but a three act play. We’ll need volunteers for acting, stage craft, costuming, technical arts, hosting, food services and everything in between. To volunteer contact Randy Thomas,, or Chad Balthrop,

Sunday Night, December 10th - “Christmas | Past…Present…Eternal” with the Celebration Choir and Praise Band, Instrumental Ensemble, KICK & PreKICK Choirs! During this great concert we’ll share Christmas music and family Christmas stories…stories of Christmas past, present and eternal! We’ll have a Dress Rehearsal on December 9th, from 9am - Noon.

Sunday Night, December 17th - “A Family Christmas HomeComing” with the Families of FBCO. This is the night we sing our favorite Christmas songs as a congregation. This year we’ll have a twist – our special music will come from families within FBCO. Great music combined with stories of family Christmas traditions will make this a night people won’t forget.

Christmas Eve – Sunday Night, December 24th - Every year our Christmas Eve Candle Lighting Service is standing room only! This year we will pack the Worship Center TWICE – with two, hour long opportunities for the people of our community to celebrate the birth of our Savior. We’ll ask every available Choir, Praise Band, Instrumental Ensemble, KICK and Tech member to be available for BOTH Christmas Eve Services.

Christmas Eve Rehearsal 4:00pm

Christmas Eve FIRST SERVICE 5:00pm

Christmas Eve SECOND SERVICE 7:00pm

House Cleaning – the Logistics of Details

Online Blog

Catch current and previous issues of theScore online @

Online Resources

At you can now click RESOURCES. Under that heading you will find several categories. Mostly this is Praise Band and Congregational music, but some of these charts include Instrumental Ensemble music and ALL of them include VOCALS – hopefully this can be a resource for us all in the coming days!

Weekly Schedule Reminder

Here are the CALL TIMES for a typical SUNDAY AM – Remember, ON TIME = EARLY | EARLY = READY and from 8:30 – 8:50 we’ll clear the platform and all meet in Fellowship Hall for a light, continental style breakfast and for last minute instructions, prayer & consecration. I look forward to seeing everyone there!


Þ 7:15am TECH PREP

Þ 7:30 Drama Sound Check and Rehearse

Þ 7:45 Praise Band Sound Check

Þ 8:00 Instrumental Ensemble

Þ 8:15 Special Music

Þ 8:20 Celebration Choir

Þ 8:30 Stage Clear, Doors Open, Background Music & Announcements Run

Þ 8:50 Countdown begins

Þ 8:55 Prelude – Live, instrumental, congregational or choir…

Þ 9:00 Service Begins


Þ 6:00pm Instrumental Ensemble WC

Þ 6:30 Celebration Choir | Tech Prep RM 800 & WC

Þ 7:00 Praise Band with IE WC


(subtle reminder – ‘all’ means ‘ALL’ J)

Þ 7:30 Drama Team RM 800

Þ 8:05 Praise Band & Praise Teams WC

Þ 9:00 Cookie Time!

Order of Service

Sunday AM – 09-24-06

AweStruck – “I Am the Good Shepherd” / Stewardship

Pre-service – COUNTDOWN | CD


Instrumental Ensemble

SERVICE START | Chad Balthrop


Cover the Earth – D, CHART

Your Grace is Enough – A, CHART (no IE)


Dr. Roger Ferguson


O Worship the King – Ab, CHART (no IE)


To Die For 3:07


Jesus Paid it All – CHOIR MUSIC (no IE)


The Wonderful Cross – D, MSPW2 – 76

How Great is Our God – Db, CHART


Dr. Roger Ferguson


Jesus Paid It All – Eb, BH – 134


Breathe – A, CHART


Page Cole

Presentation of New Members


Your Grace is Enough – A, CHART (no IE)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Authentic - Perception vs. Reality

Proverbs 4:24

“Put away from you a deceitful mouth, and put perverse lips far from you.”

Proverbs 4:24

With the coming election I thought it appropriate for us to consider…

Why are we there?

· Every day there are news reports about more deaths. Every night on TV there are photos of death and destruction. Why are we still there?

· We occupied this land, which we had to take by force, but it causes us nothing but trouble. Why are we still there?

· Many of our children go there and never come back. Why are we still there?

· Their government is unstable, and they have loopy leadership. Why are we still there?

· Many of their people are uncivilized. Why are we still there?

· The place is subject to natural disasters, which we are supposed to bail them out of. Why are we still there?

· They have more than 1000 religious sects, which we do not understand. Why are we still there?

· Their culture, foods and fads are unfathomable to ordinary Americans. Why are we still there?

· We can't even secure the borders. Why are we still there?

· They are billions of dollars in debt and it will cost billions more to rebuild, which we can't afford. Why are we still there?

· It’s becoming clear…

We must pull out of California now! J

Depending on your particular political bent as you read my statements above were you cheering me on or cursing me down? What about when you reached the ‘punch-line’? This is a story I’ve told before, so you may not have been surprised, but it illustrates well the idea I want us to focus on today. It’s perception vs. reality.

In this world of ‘Spin Doctor’s’, double speak, diplomacy and political correctness the idea that perception and reality are not the same has become the norm. As a people we have become jaded and somewhat cynical. When our leaders stand to speak rather than taking them at their word we assume we are somehow being misled. It’s a problem that goes well beyond the world of politics. This idea that perception and reality are not the same has crept into our relationships with coworkers, with friends and family. We catch ourselves trying to parse the words of our spouse…”I know he said that, but what he really meant was…” We often assume the worst and fill in the blanks with information that is inaccurate – but this is only our perception and based on those perceptions we will act and create around us a reality that reflects the world we see in our minds eye. Do you see the danger here? Perception is a powerful thing.

It’s interesting to note that God never takes the time to address in His Word perception vs. reality. From God’s perspective reality is a creation of His Word. Even when Jesus stood accused of crimes He didn’t commit you find no place in Scripture where Jesus tried to ‘spin’ things a little better His way. You never see Jesus trying to manage perceptions. With every person He met He simply spoke the truth, boldly and in love for all the world to hear. He did this even when the words He spoke had the potential of making someone uncomfortable.

As Believers in Jesus Christ who are striving to be AUTHENTIC we should be people of our word. In our homes, in our church and in our community we should do everything in our power to create a Culture of Trust. I said a moment ago that reality is a creation of God’s Word. Have you ever thought that where you find yourself today is as much a creation of your own words as it is anything else? The right word, at the right time, spoken in the right way can heal or destroy a relationship. It can bring success or failure. It will set a course or derail your from your mission. In a Culture of Trust perception is not a problem because people trust one another and are honest with each other. In a Culture of Trust conflict is not avoided, because there is an automatic assumption that everyone involved has the best interest of the relationship or organization at heart and not their own selfish, self interests. In a Culture of Trust healthy, ideological conflict always makes a relationship or organization stronger. In a Culture of Trust when the inevitable mistake is made or offenses occur our first thought is to give the offending party the benefit of the doubt until the issue is confronted, information clarified and if necessary apologies exchanged. Then we continue on together in our mission.

This season I’ve issued the challenge that we all be authentic in our relationship with Christ and with one another. In a world filled with authentic, fully devoted followers of Christ perception is never a problem for long because the truth is only one conversation away.

This week – watch your words…don’t speak to manage perceptions. Speak the truth…to your friends, family, and coworkers. When necessary, give the benefit of the doubt, be willing to clarify, apologize or make right some issue where you may have gotten yourself in trouble. Do your part to create around you a culture of trust. Even Jesus didn’t live a life above accusation, but He did live a life that was above reproach. As Believers striving to be authentic we can do the same.

Love y’all, God Bless,


Notes to Notice

Christmas Plans – “Christmas Past…Present…Eternal”

This December we’ll celebrate Christmas all month long! How!? The first weeks of December we’ll celebrate with a dinner theater:

“As Time Goes By” – A lifetime of Christmas traditions and celebrations through the eyes of faith, family & Friends.

Written by our very own, Randy Thomas, this funny and family-focused drama will capture your heart as it captures the heart of Christmas throughout multiple generations. This is not musical theater – but a three act play. We’ll need volunteers for acting, stage craft, costuming, technical arts, hosting, food services and everything in between. To audition or volunteer contact Randy Thomas,, or Chad Balthrop,

AUDITIONS for “As Time Goes By”

Sign up this Sunday in the Foyer for Audition times & location - Members of CAST FOR CHRIST!

NEXT Wednesday Night @ 8:00pm we’ll have an open casting call - where you can find out details about “As Time Goes By” and sign up for auditions as well!

Sunday Night, December 10th - “Christmas Past…Present…Eternal” with the Celebration Choir and Praise Band, Instrumental Ensemble, KICK & PreKICK Choirs! During this great concert we’ll share Christmas music and family Christmas stories…stories of Christmas past, present and eternal! We’ll have a Dress Rehearsal on December 9th, from 9am - Noon.

Sunday Night, December 17th - “A Family Christmas HomeComing” with the Families of FBCO. This is the night we sing our favorite Christmas songs as a congregation. This year we’ll have a twist – our special music will come from families within FBCO. Great music combined with stories of family Christmas traditions will make this a night people won’t forget.

Christmas Eve – Sunday Night, December 24th - Every year our Christmas Eve Candle Lighting Service is standing room only! This year we will pack the Worship Center TWICE – with two, hour long opportunities for the people of our community to celebrate the birth of our Savior. We’ll ask every available Choir, Praise Band, Instrumental Ensemble, KICK and Tech member to be available for BOTH Christmas Eve Services.

Christmas Eve Rehearsal 4:00pm

Christmas Eve FIRST SERVICE 5:00pm

Christmas Eve SECOND SERVICE 7:00pm

Celebration Choir in the PM Service

Be watching here for more details! This season the Celebration Choir will lead a couple of times during our Sunday PM, New Community Service – Dates to be announced!

House Cleaning – the Logistics of Details

Online Blog

Catch current and previous issues of theScore online @

Online CamCast, PodCast

Heard of PodCasting? Now you can subscribe to the CamCast! CamCast is a new way I can get music and information delivered directly to your computer, iPod or other mp3 player. Using iTunes, Yahoo Music, Google Music or any other free PodCatcher you can subscribe to the CamCast and your reader will automatically inform you when updates are made. Sometimes these updates will be mp3 files of songs we are about do. Sometimes they will be devotional or informational. Subscribe today and have access to all the songs we’re giving you on CD. Stay tuned – there’s more to come! How do I subscribe?

Visit and click the CAMCAST button located on the right side of the page, then follow the instructions. OR

Copy this link into your iTunes software.

Online Resources

At you can now click FBCO RESOURCES – then select Christian Arts Ministry. Under that heading you will find several categories – under Order of Service & Support Files you will find the order of service for this week and in the other categories you will find the music charts that go along with the songs in the Order of Service. Mostly this is Praise Band music, but some of these charts include Instrumental Ensemble music and ALL of them include VOCALS – hopefully this can be a resource for us all in the coming days!

Weekly Schedule Reminder

Here are the CALL TIMES for a typical SUNDAY AM – Remember, ON TIME = EARLY EARLY = READY and from 8:30 – 8:50 we’ll clear the platform and all meet in Fellowship Hall for a light, continental style breakfast and for last minute instructions, prayer & consecration. I look forward to seeing everyone there!


Þ 7:15am TECH PREP

Þ 7:30 Drama Sound Check and Rehearse

Þ 7:45 Praise Band Sound Check

Þ 8:00 Instrumental Ensemble

Þ 8:15 Special Music

Þ 8:20 Celebration Choir

Þ 8:30 Stage Clear, Doors Open, Background Music & Announcements Run

Þ 8:50 Countdown begins

Þ 8:55 Prelude – Live, instrumental, congregational or choir…

Þ 9:00 Service Begins


Þ 6:00pm Instrumental Ensemble WC

Þ 6:30 Celebration Choir Tech Prep RM 800 & WC

Þ 7:00 Praise Band with IE WC


Þ 7:30 Drama Team RM 800

Þ 8:05 Praise Band & Praise Teams WC

Þ 9:00 Cookie Time!

Order of Service

Sunday AM – 09-17-06

AweStruck – “I Am the Light Bread of Life”

Pre-service – COUNTDOWN CD


Instrumental Ensemble



You Are Good – E, CHART

Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee – G, BH – 7


Dr. Roger Ferguson


BREAD – 1:52


Let the Praises Ring – E, CHART


I Give You Thanks – E, CHART

Hungry – D, CHART– (use the Lord’s Supper Jumpback here)

Breathe – A, CHART


Dr. Roger Ferguson


Breathe – A, CHART


Page Cole

Presentation of New Members


Let the Praises Ring – E, CHART