Thursday, January 03, 2008

Uncharted Waters

HAPPY NEW YEAR! It feels strange to say it. Can you believe its 2008? Could you have imagined at the beginning of 2007 all the changes 365 days would bring? What a difference a year makes. It’s worth noting that you are who you are today because of the choices you made yesterday. I wonder who you’ll be; what you’ll be doing, where you’ll be doing it and who you’ll be doing it with this time next year. You don’t have to wait to find out. The choices you make today set your course for tomorrow.


Before we go gang busters into this New Year and new season I want to express the gratitude and love Londa and I have for each of you. This past Christmas you all blessed Londa and me with a gift that was incredible and undeserved, yet highly appreciated. As many of you know I’m working toward a Masters degree. I’ll bet you never dreamed that the chocolaty delight we’re still munching on and the gift you gave might actually make me smarter!? Well, maybe not smarter, maybe just a greater repository of the trivial and sublime.  Whatever the case, your care for us has been exceedingly great. To use the words of Paul, “I thank my God every time I think of you…for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now.” (Phil. 1:3, 5)


I’m excited about 2008. There’s a part of this year that feels like we’re stepping into uncharted waters. Like the intrepid explorers that have gone before us I believe we will discover that these uncharted waters lead to a land of promise and destiny. There is no question regarding God’s intentions towards us in this coming year. His desire for us is only good. The question is whether or not we will make the journey with Him.


In the next several weeks you’ll meet the man and his family I believe God is calling to provide leadership within the Christian Arts Ministry and I will step more directly into my new role helping shape all the ministry teams of the church. Continue praying that God will work through this transition to make the ministries of First Baptist Owasso the best they can possibly be.


As we make this journey together I hope you realize that God blesses a church by blessing individuals and families within the church. God is doing a great work in the life of the one will come to lead the Christian Arts Ministry. God is doing a great work in me and my family. I hear stories of God at work in you and in other members of the Christians Arts Ministry. And throughout the church I discover even more ways God is blessing individuals and families. We serve a great God who is doing great things and bringing great people together all in one place – that place we call First Baptist Church.


I hope that today you will take a moment to recognize God’s work in your life. Stop and listen, notice where you are. Take time to take your bearings. As we step into 2008 let’s make certain this journey we take together is guided by the only One who really knows our destination and the best way to get there. The choices you make today set your course for tomorrow…what wondrous adventure and incredible journey this is going to be!


Love y'all, God Bless,




Notes to Notice


This Week In CAM

This Sunday is January 6th. It's VISION DAY! The morning services will be led by the Celebration Choir, Praise Band, Praise Team, and Instrumental Ensemble. This week during the New Community Service the evening Praise Band and Praise Team will lead.


January 26th - 27th

Mark these days on you calendar. Events are yet to be announced, but they will shape the course of our church and the Christian Arts Ministry for years to come!



I would love to hear your feedback. Respond to this email or visit to leave comments about theScore!


Christian Arts Ministry Purpose

The goal of the Christian Arts Ministry is worship. Our desire is to teach Believers to delight the heart of the Father with every area of their lives, passionately expressing their love for God through the use of every talent and resource He's given us for His glory and His pleasure.


Order of Service

•          Rock of Ages - CHORUS

•          Rock of Ages - Hymn (in 4 with a half time feel)

•          Let the Praises Ring

•          Just As I Am (in a strong 6)

•          Find Us Faithful (solo)

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Let’s face it. People are weird. I once knew a guy who could take a small chain necklace, suck it up his nose and make it come out his mouth. He called it brain floss. I call it weird. How does one discover he even has that particular talent in the first place?

There’s an entire society of people called the Procrastinator’s Club. We’re unsure of their exact membership. They keep waiting till tomorrow to fill out their roster. People are weird.

I heard about a guy who worked out all the time. Morning and evening he had a regular exercise routine. But for some reason he chose only to work out the right side of his body! His right arm and right leg were huge but his left side looked like flabby old me! People are weird.

My grandmother used to say, “Everybody’s weird but me and Thee and I’m getting worried about Thee.”

Maybe you’re not waiting till tomorrow to learn to brain floss or strengthen one side of your body or another, but I’ll bet you’ve got your own personal weirdness going on.

Maybe it’s not really weirdness. Maybe it’s morbid introspection. Maybe it’s depression. Perhaps it’s violent mood swings or outbursts of wrath. Maybe it’s a high degree of dissatisfaction or an unhealthy restlessness.

Fortunes have been made by helping people overcome these emotional hurdles. I wonder if we’ve ever stopped to consider that our worst emotional woes aren’t usually the cause of our problems, but a symptom of them.

In this season of revival I’ve seen God restore sinners to Himself. I’ve seen marriages saved, families healed, and individuals renewed in their Spirit. It’s been my privilege to watch God work. And as I’ve watched I’ve observed something interesting.

When someone is guilty of lying to or cheating on their spouse they are susceptible to emotional mood swings and outbursts of wrath. When someone struggles with addiction they are often melancholy, restless and dissatisfied. When people are bound up in materialism they struggle with seemingly unexplainable feelings of frustration.

Don’t get me wrong. This doesn’t mean every angry person is cheating on their spouse and it doesn’t mean every frustrated person is in bondage to materialism. It’s a simple observation. Most of the time our emotional mood swings are not the cause of a problem, but a very clear symptom of a problem.

The next time you catch yourself unexpectedly on an emotional roller coaster let that be the red flag to signal you it’s time to examine your own heart. The next time you are the target of someone else’s unexpected mood swing respond with grace and recognize there’s more there than meets the eye.

People are weird. I are people. So I are weird. God has given us all kinds of symptoms and signs to help us cut through the weirdness and become all he has designed us to be. Grace abounds. In this season of revival, during this Christmas holiday, pay close attention to the signs God has built in you and those around you. In doing so you may just save a sinner from hell, cover a multitude of sins and overcome in you those hurts, habits, and hang ups that weigh you down!

Love y'all, God Bless,

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Dream Weaver | Dream Caster

It was a sleepless night for the Leader. Dreams of great portent filled his mind and disturbed his rest. He awoke and considered the meaning of the dream, but none could be found. So back to bed he went. But the vision was repeated. And the Leader called to his chamber all the wise councelors of his court and told them the dream. But none of the wise men or magicians were able to explain the vision. Until a simple butler remembered someone who had once helped him understand his own dreams. The butler approached the Leader to tell him of this man and the Leader listened.

So the Leader called the man and explained his vision. Like most dreams it was odd and quite surreal.

“He dreamed of a river. Out of the river came seven cows, fine looking and fat: they fed in the meadow. Then behold, seven other cows came up after them out of the river, ugly and gaunt, and stood by the other cows on the bank of the river. And the ugly and guant cows ate up the seven fine looking and fat cows.”

This was the vision the Leader weaved for the man. Without hesitation Joseph explained the dream. “The seven good cows represent seven good years, seven years of blessing and plenty. The seven sickly cows are seven years of famine, seven years when the land will not produce food and great famine will come throughout the whole world. God has given this vision to the Leader to prepare the nation so they will be blessed and be able to bless others.”

There was no good reason for the Leader to have any regard for the words of this man. Joseph was not nobility. He wasn’t a member of the Leader’s court or his staff. He wasn’t even from the same country. But remarkably, Pharaoh listened because Joseph was filled with the Spirit of God and Joseph was right.

Pharaoh’s next step was brilliant. As the Leader he recognized that he had a vision for his people. He also understood that he needed someone with the Spirit of God to interpret and implement that vision. Joseph was made the second most powerful man in Egypt, second only to Pharaoh himself. He was given the task of leading the nation through these times of blessing and times of famine. Genesis 41 tells the amazing story and the results of what happens when a visionary dream weaver empowers a skillful and spirit-filled dream caster.

Genesis 41:48 - 49; 57 say, “So [Joseph] gathered up all the food of the seven [good] years which were in the land of Egypt, and laid up the food in the cities; he laid up in every city the food of the fields which surrounded them. Joseph gathered very much grain, as the sand of the sea, until he stopped counting, for it was immeasurable…so all countries came to Joseph in Egypt to buy grain, because the famine was severe in all lands.”

God gave Pharaoh a vision that would result in blessings for the entire world. God gave Joseph the skill and wisdom to interpret and implement that vision.

Within the Christian Arts Ministry we will shortly undergo a similar transition. Six months ago we announced that my role as Christian Arts Minister was about to change. We explained that God was expanding my ministry here at FBCO to include more than CAM. I now have responsibilities with all of the ministry teams of FBCO. I have a clear vision for the Christian Arts Ministry and for the other ministry teams of our church. In order to accomplish this vision the Christian Arts Ministry Team needs a Joseph, someone skilled as a musician and leader, someone with a heart for worship and most importantly someone filled with the Spirit of God. I believe God is leading us to this man and will bring him here soon. Like Joseph, he will interpret and implement the vision we have for the Christian Arst Ministry. And like Joseph, I believe God will use him to lead CAM and the people of our church in abundant worship, until we “…stop counting because the blessings are immeasurable.”

Continue to pray for the man God will send and his family. The dream God has for you, for the Christian Arts Ministry and for First Baptist Owasso is amazing! Ask God to make that vision come alive in you. Ask Him to make you useful for the sake of the gospel. Ask Him to use you to lead others in worship and to bring His kingdom in this place. As we wrap up this season of ministry together we look ahead to the next season God has prepared for us. It includes a great vision. It involves great leaders. It imparts blessings immeasurable.

I can’t wait…

Love y’all, God Bless,



I’ve never been especially brilliant. Nor am I particularly daft. It is not false modesty for me to admit the universe of things I’m either ignorant of or too slow to fully understand. Neither is it boastful to recognize that in some topics I’m nearly an expert. I may not be the smartest guy in the room; nevertheless I’ve always been smart enough.

The same is true for me physically. I’ll never be the solid mass of manhood that is Rick Cuccio or Arnold Schwarzenegger, but somehow, to accomplish that which is important to me, I’ve always been strong enough.

What about goodness? I’m a pastor. People, perhaps rightly so, expect more from me morally than they do others. I know my own heart and the ugliness it contains. While I would never claim to be as good as I ought to be or maybe even as good as I appear to be, I’ve always been good enough.

How about my relationship with God? There’s a fairly long list of evil I’ve never done. Sins to make Hollywood proud and my mother blush are sins I’ve mostly managed to avoid. Even so, while I may not be purely evil, I’ve been evil enough.

I’ve been sinful enough; sinful enough to grieve the heart of God, sinful enough to break my relationship with Him, sinful enough to need His grace and mercy…sinful enough.

So I see then a pattern of mediocrity. In the name of effectiveness I go to school to get smarter. I work out to get stronger. I choose wisely to reap the rewards of goodness and I pray and repent to be right with God. However, in the name of efficiency I catch myself stopping short. Rather than pressing on toward greatness I become satisfied with enough; enough to get by, enough to get the job done, enough to appear good, enough to feel right. I settle for enough.

Does this make me an average Saint or an average sinner?

As a church we are going through a season of repentance and revival. I’m not talking about a pre-planned moving of the Holy Spirit or some contrived series of emotional meetings placed on a calendar. It’s also not about pastor kickin’ it up a notch or the music being especially moving. These things may happen, but this season of repentance and revival is so much more that that. It is a calling, a challenge really, from the very heart of God; to pursue holiness, to live rightly, to do justly, and to walk humbly with our God.

In this season enough is not enough. Go deeper. You may be an average sinner, but don’t settle for being an average Saint. Don’t shrink back from the heavy introspection that often attends repentance. Open yourself completely to Him; discover the glory that comes from being filled to overflowing with His Holy Spirit. Like the song says, “Surrender your all today.” I can assure you, once you’ve tasted it, you’ll never get enough.

Love y’all, God Bless,


Sin Stinks

Sin stinks.

I try to put it out of my mind because the thought is so unpleasant, but sin really stinks. If there were ever a legitimate reason for coarse language, for colorful metaphor, for cussing or cursing it would be in trying to describe precisely how much sin stinks. It rips apart families. It grinds up relationships. It may bring pleasure for a moment but its byproduct is a putrid excretion that permanently and indiscriminately poisons every person who comes in contact with it. Sin has no concern for collateral damage.

I once heard a preacher describe the back alley of an AIDS clinic in Africa. They had no concern for the proper disposal of medical waste. The dumpster behind the clinic was filled to overflowing with exposed needles, blood soaked bandages and the unclean remnants of the vilest of human conditions. The suffering of the African people in that town knew no bounds. AIDS was not the only epidemic. Hunger took as many lives as did the disease. In their hunger, in their desperation, people of that community would dig through the waste of those dumpsters looking for even a morsel to eat and to feed their children. As disgusting as that scene is it cannot compare to the unmitigated filth that rots in the soul of a sinner.

We are sick indeed. Sin is viral. Sin is deceptive. Sin is insatiable. Sin is insidious. It is capable of convincing a man that wrong is right and right is wrong. Sin can twist the most noble of motives into the most hideous of actions. The infected spread the disease. The afflicted flaunt the disease, all the while believing a lie.

Paul described sins deceitful nature, “…the trouble is with me, for I am all too human, a slave to sin. I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate. But if I know that what I am doing is wrong, this shows that I agree that the law is good. So I am not the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it. And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway. But if I do what I don’t want to do, I am not really the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it. I have discovered this principle of life – that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. I love God’s law with all my heart. But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. Oh, what a miserable person I am!” Romans 7:14 – 24 (NLT)

Sins greatest victory is in convincing us that we can overcome on our own. Sin wants us to believe that we can simply turn over a new leaf. But every time we do we only find old dirt. Sin delights in the delusion that we are self directed and self corrective.

If the sickness is within us the solution must be without us. Hear Paul’s words, “Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord. So you see how it is: In my mind I really want to obey God’s law, but because of my sinful nature I am a slave to sin. So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Jesus Christ. And because you belong to Him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.” Romans 7:24 – 8:2 (NLT)

Stop fooling yourself and face the sin within you. Stop thinking you’re smart enough, strong enough or devout enough to overcome sin on your own. Seek God’s forgiveness through His Son, Jesus Christ. Stand in the strength that comes from knowing Him. Walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. Your own heart deceives you, don’t trust it. Your own mind confuses you. Find clarity in Scripture. Your own actions convict you. Receive the pardon prepared for you on the wonderful cross of Calvary.

Sin stinks. Jesus saves. Surrender your all today.

Love y’all, God Bless,



Just Ask A Question

We talk a lot. And we talk about some of the strangest things. We talk about our kids. (Okay, mine are strange…not yours) J We talk about the weather. We talk about sports. This weekend is the OU/Texas game. I could say a lot about that! I can spend hours talking about characters from TV shows. How strange is that? To argue and discuss the decisions of people who don’t really exist, living lives that never really happened, doing things that don’t really make any difference at all! And don’t even get me started on ‘reality TV’! We talk about some strange things. Brittney Spears is in the news again. O.J’s done something else. There is an abundance of talk radio, talk shows, everything is talk, talk, talk…you would think with all this talk someone would have something important to say.

Oddly enough, it seems most people don’t. Yet still, we can’t seem to keep our mouths shut! And honestly, we shouldn’t. What’s that they say? Communication is the key to any good relationship. I believe that…sort of. As a music guy I’ve heard people say, “Practice makes perfect.” But that’s not really true. Perfect practice makes perfect. If you practice incorrectly then eventually you’ll play or sing incorrectly. It’s not enough to repeat the same musical phrase over and over again if every time you repeat it you keep doing it wrong. If that kind of repetition characterizes your practice you might as well hum quietly to yourself. The effect will be about the same.

The same is true for our conversations. Communication is the key to any good relationship, but communication is not enough. It has to be good communication. What are you saying to your friends and family? What questions do you ask? What is the content of your conversation? Are we stuck on the, “Hey, how are ya’s and what’s the weather like in your world?” Or do you ever attempt to ask a question that digs a little deeper? When someone offers a response that’s out of the ordinary do you close down the conversation quickly in order to escape the awkward moment or do you recognize an opportunity to minister grace into someone’s life?

I wonder how your world would change if occasionally you inserted into your everyday conversations questions like:

·         “What’s God been doing in your life lately?”

·         “Has God answered any of your prayers recently?”

·         “How have you seen God at work in your world today?”

·         “Did you read that verse from the daily Bible readings yesterday? God really used that verse in my life. Did He use it in yours?”

·         “Did you catch Pastor’s message? What did you think about what he said about confession?”



I have a concern that we’ve institutionalized our spirituality. It could easily appear that we’ve so packaged the gospel, the church and everything religious or spiritual that conversations started by questions like this come across as an attempt to ‘sell’ the church, ‘promote’ a ministry event or ‘persuade (evangelize)’ a non-believer into our way of thinking. Asking questions like those above may result in someone who is lost getting saved or someone who is outside the church coming in, but that’s not really the only point. Conversations about God at work in your life should be as common as talk about the news, sports or the weather – not for the sake of anything or with any ulterior motives but because it’s simply a part of what’s going on in your neck of the woods. In other words what’s in you is what comes out. It’s what you talk about.

There’s never a bad time for a good question and the content of our conversation can be turned so easily from that which is passing to that which is eternal. With your family, friends and coworkers take some time this week to discuss more than the weather.


Love y’all, God Bless,



Prayers We Don't Mean

Repentance | Revival – is what happens when people get right with God and with one another. If you’ve been in church very long you’ve probably heard someone say, “We need to pray for revival!” You may have even prayed for revival yourself. All too often when we ask God for revival what we’re looking for and what we get is not the same thing. I think it’s because our expectations are off. Praying for revival is like praying for patience…you better not do it till you’re ready to confront God’s answer. Why? When you pray for patience God doesn’t magically transform you into a more patient person. He places you in situations that allow you to BE patient. Like exercising a muscle these circumstances allow you to exercise your faith in God and cause you to grow in patience. Certainly the Holy Spirit is at work in you transforming you into the beautiful picture of grace God intended. That transformation is both refined and tested in the every day decisions of life. Have you prayed for patience? The Holy Spirit is giving you patience and, as the result of your simple obedience, giving you the opportunity to test and strengthen the patience He’s placed in you. If our prayer for patience goes ‘unanswered’ it’s much more likely that we missed an opportunity to obey God than it is that God ignored or denied our request.

I believe there’s a whole string of prayers God answers in this manner. We pray for courage, God places us in circumstances that allow us to be courageous. We ask God to take away temptation and God reveals to us changes we should make in our lives that affect our habits, hobbies, and schedules. We pray for our family to be strengthened, God places our family in situations where the members of our family can come together. Do you see the pattern? It seems to me there are some prayers we can pray and know without a doubt that God’s answer will be YES! Prayers for faith, wisdom, the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control); prayers that ask God to deliver us from temptation and mature us in holiness; these prayers God ALWAYS ANSWERS YES! The question isn’t whether or not God says yes, it’s whether or not we will follow through in simple obedience to Him once we’ve received His yes. Make sense?

The same is true for revival. When you pray for revival God’s answer is YES! But He doesn’t magically sprinkle you with holy water so you can suddenly start thinking happy thoughts; fly off with Tinker Bell to Never-Never Land and live the rest of your days as some kind of spiritual giant. When you pray for revival God opens your eyes to SIN in your life. He begins to show you those areas of your life that aren’t completely surrendered to Him. Through His Holy Spirit He prompts you to repent, to agree with Him regarding the nature of your sin and to give that sin up for good.

There’s a subtle play on words in that previous sentence. Giving up the sin He convicts you of is something you need to do for good, meaning forever. It’s not about turning over a new leaf – you’ll only find old dirt. It’s about trusting God, agreeing with Him and simply obeying Him as each moment you make your choices based on His leadership and Lordship in your life. You do this for good, meaning forever. It’s also something you do for good, meaning for the sake of righteousness. Daily I make choices based on what I think is best for me. Will my choices be for good or for ill? The choice is yours and the answer revolves around simple obedience to Him.

As a Believer you’re already forgiven. With revival and repentance the question is not whether or not you’ll be forgiven, the question is whether or not you’ll be useful to and used by God. He want’s to be an active part of your life. The degree to which He is involved in your life is up to you.

Just like with patience, when we’re in the middle of the situation we’ve asked God to give us we can either BE patient or argue with and blame God for the fact that we’re not patient yet. When God reveals sin in our lives we can either argue with Him about who’s right and who’s wrong; we can get depressed over the fact that we’ve messed up again; or we can agree with God, repent and simply obey. The last option is revival – people getting right with God and with one another. When you pray for revival His answer is always YES! He reveals sin in your life – not so you can argue about it; not to depress you; not to degrade you, but in answer to your prayer for revival, for holiness.

 This week, pray for revival; ask for repentance and be ready for what God will do. It’s not holy-dust sprinkled into your life. It’s God lovingly revealing where you’ve missed the mark, reminding you that you’re forgiven and showing you how to overcome to the end.


Love y’all, God Bless,



Why Bother?

Sometimes I think knowing stuff is overrated. For instance, I know the statistics that compare Christians to non-Christians are remarkably similar. The divorce rate among people claiming Christianity as their system of belief is the same (and in some places worse) than people who don’t claim to be Christians at all. The amount of adultery committed by church-goers is on par with non-church-goers. In spite of our politics and preaching a large percentage of ‘Bible-believing’ people set aside the Scriptures related to sexuality in order to do what they want, when they want, with whomever they want. You’re financial security, statistically speaking, doesn’t seem to be related to your faith at all. Physically, people of faith aren’t any healthier than people who claim no faith or a faith in something other than Jesus. I guess you could say that compared to everyone else Christians are simply, average.

As Christians we are quick to spout our clichĂ©s about the power of prayer. Our prayer requests are filled with a litany of physical needs, from Aunt Gertty’s toe fungus to Cousin Tim’s life threatening illness. Often our corporate prayer times resemble an organ recital; bless that heart, or his liver, heal his wound, etc…yet, when was the last time you prayed for someone with an amputated limb and that limb actually grew back? Have you ever prayed for someone with male pattern baldness and that person suddenly grow hair? Or someone with pour eyesight and suddenly they can see? Can you pray down a person’s cholesterol or pray up their insulin level? When it comes to our physical health I often wonder how much healing is the result of the direct power of God in our lives and how much is purely coincidental. Can you see the contradiction and the confusion the way we talk about prayer can cause? When cancer goes into remission it’s the power of prayer and God in our lives, while the ruptured discs in my back are the thorn in my flesh I’m just supposed to live with!? How reasonable is it that God readily heals the one but asks you to live with the other? How convenient is it for Believers that when God heals someone it always seems to be for an ailment we don’t fully understand and never for something easily tested or proven – like in the example of amputation.

Don’t mistake these questions as a lack of faith on my part. They’re not. But I believe they are legitimate questions non-Christians ask all the time. Shouldn’t the lives of Believers in Jesus Christ be radically different from non-Believers? I’m not just talking about church attendance, tithing, or doing things that make you feel good about yourself and your community. When the world stops to take measure of our lives shouldn’t they discover that we’re better at marriage than they are? Shouldn’t they see a people content with what they have and managing their resources in such a way that those resources don’t define who they are and how they act? I’m talking about money here. Shouldn’t the world look at Christians and wonder why, regardless of how little or how much we have, we always seem to have enough and the enough we have is treated as a tool rather than a treasure? If prayer really works shouldn’t Christians be at least marginally healthier than non-Christians? When lost people look at us shouldn’t they be flabbergasted, not by our moral superiority, but by our genuine care for them in spite of our differences and the simple fact that we’ve got our stuff together? Shouldn’t there be some measurable evidence that living life God’s way makes for better living?

It’s a Scriptural thought we don’t really consider very often. The Bible teaches that those who are genuinely saved will overcome to the end. What does that mean? It means that from the point of our salvation to the point of our death our lives will gradually come to resemble more closely God’s way and not our own. It means that over time we should step out of the average statistics that make us resemble everyone else and step into the above average and exceptional way of living that God has prepared for those who are called according to His purpose. I believe most church-goers today have surrendered to the notion that they are sinners unable to achieve the standard God has set for them. I believe we’ve taken a ‘why bother’ approach to our own spiritual growth. Don’t believe me? Check the stats yourself.

So here’s my question and the thought for the week. Are you overcoming to the end or are you just another average statistic? If you’re a true Believer in Jesus Christ you’re not average anymore.

Love y’all, God Bless,




I’m no athlete, but I know the value of a good coach. People have coached me musically, spiritually and in leadership. When I was younger I played soccer and baseball. Whether it was something athletic, academic, musical or practical I wouldn’t be who I am today without the influence of those people God has placed in my life to be my coaches.

Last week we discovered that we’re all walking in this spiritual continuum. In our spiritual journey there are stages we all go through. These stages are:

1. Exploring Christ – these are the people who aren’t yet Believers, but they’re open and seeking the truth.

2. Growing in Christ – these people are young in their faith. They know that they don’t know, but they’re trying to know and are still green around the edges.

3. Close to Christ – These are more mature Believers who know the basics of feeding themselves and serving others but they are often distracted by the temptations of life.

4. Christ-Centered – we would call these folks ‘Fully Devoted Followers’, mature Believers who are self feeders, close to God not simply because of some weekly injection of spirituality they receive through church attendance, but because they feed themselves spiritually through spiritual disciplines and serving others.

Where are you in all this? It’s not uncommon for people Growing in Christ or Close to Christ to get STALLED in their walk with God. There is a world of reasons for this we won’t go into right now. It’s also not uncommon for the Christ-Centered, mature, healthy Believers, to be DISSATSIFIED with their church. Again I ask…where are you in all this? It’s a question worth considering because it affects EVERY area of your life. Are you satisfied with where you are in your journey? Do you recognize your own blind spots and weaknesses? Are you aware of your strengths and the quality of your skills? It’s often hard for us to see these things for ourselves. That’s why we need a good coach.

As matter of fact, if you’re stalled or dissatisfied in your journey with Christ you can almost place every reason for it into one of three different categories.

1. You don’t have a COACH.

2. You’re not COACHING.

3. You’re IGNORING your coach.

I’m not going to unpack this any further today because I need you to consider this with me. It’s critical to you, your family and the future of this church. We can institutionalize Bible Study. When I look at the church calendar I discover organized, well planned, compelling Bible Studies that meet almost every day of the week. We can package, print and market amazing devotional materials. We can develop cutting edge websites, graphics and media content filled with the deep spiritual truths of Scripture that relate to your life and mine in a way that is meaningful and life changing. But we will remain stalled or dissatisfied in our walk with Christ if we don’t ingest and digest the material ourselves. What’s that mean?

It means some of us need to find a COACH. Some of us need to be a COACH and some of us need to stop ignoring the great COACHES God has put in our lives.

Do you genuinely want to take your intimacy with Christ to the next level? Be a self feeder – get a coach, be a coach.

Love y’all, God Bless,



Self Feeder

Welcome back! After the long August break and the mind-blistering speed that comes with the start of school we’re finally back in the saddle again and we’re starting with a BANG!

Before I go on I need to say thanks to everyone who participated in Fresh Fish – everyone did a phenomenal job. The spirit was sweet and I think the people of our church began to catch the idea that you’re not just a volunteer; you’re on mission with God and one another! I hope as this semester unfolds you will pursue your mission with God with your whole heart, that you won’t hold anything back, but that every week you’ll go home exhausted and spent, not because of wasted or pointless effort, but because you are pouring yourself out on the altar of sacrifice in the service of the faith of others. As you do, you may go home tired and spent, but you will also go home filled and excited because of all the great things God has accomplished through you. It’s amazing the strength that comes from pouring yourself out for God’s sake and the faith of others.

This brings me to my thought for the day – and for this season really; SELF FEEDER. Doctors tell us that in the 21st Century medicine won’t be about curing disease, it will be about preventing it. Scientific discovery is moving at a remarkable rate. Did you know that by 2010 (3 short years from now) the amount of knowledge and information available to our world will DOUBLE every 72 hours. That means every 3 days you’ll be behind the learning curve. Einstein said, “We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist, using technologies that haven’t yet been invented, in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet.”

With this abundance of knowledge and scientific discovery Doctors tell us that the greatest challenge to making people healthy won’t be our ability to cure disease it will be changing the CHOICES, LIFESTYLES and HABITS of people so they never get those diseases in the first place – in others words it’s about INDIVIDUALS taking RESPONSIBILITY for their OWN health in order to prevent disease rather than trying to cure it.

The same is true for you as a Believer and for our CHURCH. There seem to be four stages people go through in their spiritual journey. There are those who are Exploring Christ – they may not be Believers yet, but they’re searching for the truth. There are those who are Growing in Christ – these are relatively new Believers who generally have a hunger for God’s Word, but don’t yet know how to feed themselves. There are the Close to Christ – these are more mature Believers who know the basics of feeding themselves but still often are tripped up by the temptations of the world. Finally there are the Christ-Centered. We would call these people fully devoted followers of Christ. Generally, they are self feeders. They have grown close to Christ in their walk, not simply because of the assistance of their church, but because they have learned to pray, study, meditate and memorize Scripture as well as how to apply it to their lives…thus the words SELF FEEDER.

I wonder where you are in this spiritual continuum. As you evaluate yourself keep some things in mind.

1. Don’t CONDEMN yourself if you’re not where you think you should be. Romans 8:1 says, “There is therefore now NO condemnation to those who are in Christ.” Don’t make yourself a harsher judge than God himself.

2. Don’t OVER ESTIMATE how much you know. The Bible says, “Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies.” Spiritual maturity is not about what you know. It’s about what you DO and how and why you do it.

3. COMMIT to take whatever steps are necessary to move to the next level. This is what SELF FEEDING is all about. The church is here to help. There are a thousand programs, Bible Studies, Worship Services, Support Groups, Mission and Volunteer opportunities. Prayerfully select the ones that will help you learn to SELF FEED and help take you to the next level, but don’t expect that these things ALONE will be enough. We’ve said it’s not about us, it’s about Him…that’s true, but when it comes to self feeding. IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU. What will you do to get to the next level?

4. Finally CONSIDER one another in order to stir up love and good works. That’s Hebrews 10. As you grow into a fully devoted follower of Christ your love for people should increase. None of us can make it on our own. As you self feed on the spiritual disciplines seek out someone who is one step ahead of you, someone you can learn from and imitate. At the same time prayerfully consider those around you, those you may be one step ahead of. Make yourself available to them. Be someone they can come to for answers. Be someone they can imitate.

This season we’re going to dive in and learn to become self feeders. It’s going to be an exciting journey. I’m excited that we get to take it together!

Love y’all, God Bless,



Notes to Notice


Tonight during rehearsal you’ll receive a CALENDAR of every rehearsal and sing date as well as the NEW PRAISE TEAM list and schedule. Everyone did a great job! It’s going to be a fantastic season!


Every Wednesday and Sunday that we rehearse the times will be the same:

6:00 – 7:30 Instrumental Ensemble Worship Center

6:30 – 7:30 Celebration Choir Room 800

7:30 – 8:00 ALL CAM Rehearsal Worship Center

7:30 – 8:30 Cast for Christ DRAMA Room 800

8:00 – 9:00 Praise Team and Praise Band Worship Center

Sunday’s our schedule looks like this:

7:30 Tech Call

7:45 Praise Band, Praise Team, & IE Sound Check

8:20 Celebration Choir

8:30 Breakfast & Devotional


I would love to hear from you…see VIDEOS that will make you think. Discover more about what’s going on…make COMMENTS or ask questions about what’s been written here. It’s all in theScore ONLINE! - VISIT TODAY!


The goal of the Christian Arts Ministry is worship. Our desire is to teach Believers to delight the heart of the Father with every area of their lives, passionately expressing their love for God through the use of every talent and resource He’s given us for His glory and His pleasure.


Order of Service

Sunday AM – 09-09-07

The Spirit Filled Life

VIDEO | First in Action


IE | Countdown (Bulletin Misprints)


Spirit of the Living God – F, BH – 244


Chad Balthrop – or someone else


All the Way to Calvary – Brooklyn Tab Book


Friend of God – E, CHART


Dr. Roger Ferguson


At Calvary – C, BH – 138 90

In My Life Lord, Be Glorified – C > D, SPW – 196 90

Come Thou Fount – D, CHART 90

My Heart, Christ’s Home – F, CHART


Spirit of the Living God – F, BH – 244


Dr. Roger Ferguson


I Will Never Be the Same Again – D, on file

OFFERING | First in Action

Presentation of New Members


Friend of God – E, CHART

VIDEO | First in Action


Go Put On Your Shoes

What do you want? I ask Jaiden this question and she always tells me she wants something that has to do with a Princess or Ice Cream. I ask Caedmon and he always tells me something that involves a ball or something he could use to fight bad guys (like a toy sword) or chocolate milk. When I ask Ethan (who turned one today!) he just sort of laughs and drools on me. It is pretty apparent though that what he really wants is to be able to get up, run around and tackle his brother and sister…he’s not there yet, but he’s getting closer. J

The requests of my children are charming, cute really, and as their father I will do everything in my power to get them what they ask for. I’m guessing you’re pretty much the same with your own children.

Truth be told most of the requests they make of me are pretty childish. None of them is older than 5 so childish requests make sense. Childish as they may be, still I try to get them what they want. I can’t always do it. Sometimes I shouldn’t do it. And then there are those times I desperately want to give them something, but I can’t give it to them until they fulfill some other action.

For example…All my kids love to play outside. They beg me to take them outside. It’s not uncommon for them to ask to go outside and for me to respond, “Yes, we can go outside. Go put on your shoes.” Usually what happens next is they race to put on their shoes then we go outside and play. But sometimes they look at me as though I’ve just said, ‘no’. They turn away and find something else to do inside the house. We’ll play together inside the house and again they will ask, “Daddy, can we go outside.” And I’ll say, “Yes, we can go outside. Go put on your shoes.” And again they look at me as though I’ve just said, ‘no’. This went so far once that as I was putting Jaiden and Caedmon in bed Jaiden said, “I’m sad, Dad. I thought we were going to go outside to play.” To which I responded, “Every time you asked I said ‘Yes’, we could go outside, but you never put on your shoes. I thought you didn’t really want to go outside.”

I wonder how many prayers we pray that are just like that? How many times have we asked God for something and He’s said, “Yes. Go put on your shoes.” And we’ve turned away from Him as though He’s said, ‘no’. I wonder if someday we’ll get to heaven and say, “God, I’m sad. I thought we were going to ________.” To which he responds, “Every time you asked I said ‘Yes’, but you never put on your shoes. I thought you didn’t really want to go.”

When I tell my children to put on their shoes I’m not being mean. I’m not being corrective. I’m not even trying to teach them some deep lesson. I’m simply telling them that if you want to go there you need shoes. I’ve even provided them with several different kinds of shoes to wear. Usually I don’t even care which shoes they choose. They could go with sandals, flip flops, tennis shoes or even snow boots…I’m not saying ‘no’ I’m simply saying, “If you want to go outside you need something on your feet.”

There are lots of passages of Scriptures that are like this. And I’m sure there are prayers you’ve prayed that qualify as having a ‘go put on your shoes answer’. One passage I find interesting is Matthew 5 – it’s the Beatitudes.

  • Do you want the kingdom of heaven? You should be poor in spirit.
  • Do you want to inherit the earth? You should be meek.
  • Do you want to be satisfied? You should hunger and thirst for righteousness.
  • Do you want mercy? You should be merciful.
  • Do you want to see God? You should be pure in heart.
  • Do you want to be a son of God? You should be a peacemaker.

There are other passages.

  • Do you want to be first? You should be last.
  • Do you want to lead? You should serve.

I don’t know what you’re praying about but just maybe God’s said ‘yes’. Now go put on your shoes.

Love y’all, God Bless,



Notes to Notice


It’s the end of the summer and the beginning of a new semester! Join us WEDNESDAY, September 5th as we kick of the NEW Semester of CAM. We’ll meet in Room 800 and discover what the new season holds – we’ll hear Christmas music and plans; we’ll discover more about and upcoming recording project and much more! It will be a night you don’t want to miss!


The next three weeks will be different for us. We’re running off the end of that unusual summer schedule and we’ll pick back up in September! Here’s what’s ahead

August 15th – NEXT WEEK – FRESH FISH – no rehearsal

August 22nd – FIRST S.T.E.P. – This is the night we pray at the schools. No rehearsals

August 29th – All Stars Children’s Kick Off – This is a night for the whole family. Everyone will be in the Worship Center. No rehearsals.

I’ll be in contact with the Praise Band and Praise Teams regarding special rehearsals for these weeks.

As you know…we’ve gotten so flexible now we’re fluid…the schedule is always adjusting. Keep your eyes on theScore to discover what’s on tap in the days to come!


Our church website has a new look and loads more information! Check it out – you can also read and comment on theScore online! Visit to read and post your comments today! I LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU!


Takes place NEXT THURSDAY – All of CAM will help lead on this night we launch into this new season of ministry together.

What: Opening Day

Who: ALL OF CAM & every other Ministry Team

When: Wednesday, August 15th – 6:30 – 8:00pm in the Worship Center

Dinner Before: FISH FRY – hosted by the Men’s Ministry Team

Dessert After: hosted by the Family Ministry Team


4:45 Fish Fry Begins


5:50 Video Run Through

o Coffee House

o Fresh Fish Testimonies – 1 - 6

6:05 Quartet Sound Check

6:10 Praise Band and Praise Team Sound Check

6:15 Doors Open

6:30 Service Begins

8:00 Ice Cream and Cookie in the Foyer!

STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE – Identify and Equip Leaders

II Timothy 2:2 say, “And the things you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”

We believe the greatest among you will be the servant of all. God is raising up men and women who will take the baton of godly character, authentic faith, and servant-hearted leadership to all the world.


Prayer Requests

Mike & Wendi Stacy – PRAISE – They are doing well!

Misty Brown – Jim’s mom is in the hospital – pray for her recovery and that Doctor’s would have the wisdom to know how to treat her.

Merrilee Purnell – PRAISE – She’s having a baby!

Audrea Gustafson – Has quit her job per Doctor’s orders. Pray for her health and for this time of transition.

Lindy DwyerGary’s job situation is uncertain. Pray that God would continue to provide for the Dwyer’s and that they would be confident in His Faithfulness. If they need to make decisions regarding Gary’s career pray for wisdom and discernment.

Virgil Shelton – pray for his mom.

Chad – Anniversary PRAISE – thanks for allowing us the time to celebrate number 12. We missed you all, but had a great time!


Order of Service

Sunday AM – 08-12-08

Psalm 23:4

VIDEO | First in Action


IE | Countdown


Your Love is Deep – E, CHART [on the printer in 400]


Chad Balthrop


You Are Good – E, CHART


Dr. Roger Ferguson


Victory in Jesus – G, BH – 426

Peace in the Valley – C, CHART

When the Night is Falling – G, CHART


Keep Me Safe – GIW


Dr. Roger Ferguson


Your Love is Deep – E, CHART [on the printer in 400]

OFFERING | First in Action

Presentation of New Members


You Are Good – E, CHART

VIDEO | First in Action